• movebank_download_study downloads a complete study from Movebank by the study id or name.

  • movebank_download_deployment downloads all tag, individual and deployment information and merges it into one data.frame

  • movebank_download_study_info downloads all study level information, either for all studies, one study with the argument id or a subset, for example, license_type = "CC_0"

  • movebank_retrieve is a more flexible function for retrieving information directly from the api.

  • movebank_get_study_id using a character string retrieve the associated study id.

  attributes = "all",
  remove_movebank_outliers = TRUE


movebank_download_deployment(study_id, ...)

  entity_type = NA,
  handle = movebank_handle(),
  rename_columns = FALSE,
  omit_derived_data = TRUE,
  convert_spatial_columns = TRUE,
  progress = vroom::vroom_progress()

movebank_get_study_id(study_id, ...)



the study id as a number or a character string can be used to identify a study. This character string needs to be unique enough to identify one and only one study. Argument applicable to all functions.


a character vector with the event data attributes to download. By default "all" are downloaded, this make it slightly slower, to speed up NULL can be used as it reduces it to the minimal set of required attributes (only for location data). Alternatively a vector of attributes can be provided (the minimal ones are automatically added). Argument applicable to movebank_download_study and movebank_retrieve. See 'Details' for more information.


arguments added to the movebank api call. See 'Details' for some common arguments.


if TRUE outliers according to the movebank logic are removed. This should correspond to the visible attribute in movebank. Argument applicable to movebank_download_study and movebank_retrieve.


the entity type of the data requested from movebank (e.g. "study", "tag", "event"). Alternatively it can be the complete api url for testing purposes. Argument applicable to movebank_retrieve.


the curl handle used to perform the api call, generally this is extracted from the system keyring if correctly set up with movebank_store_credentials. Argument applicable to all functions.


if TRUE column names of properties that are repeated in the api output (e.g. id, local_identifier and comments) will be appended with the entity_type (e.g. "tag", "individual"). Argument applicable to movebank_download_study, movebank_download_study_info, movebank_retrieve.


derived data (e.g. timestamp_start, timestamp_end, number_of_events and number_of_deployments) is omitted from the result. The default is TRUE as this data quickly becomes unrepresentative if the results are processed. However in some occasions it might be worth retrieving it, for example if you want to identify deployment periods without downloading all data. Argument applicable to movebank_download_study and movebank_retrieve.


if TRUE column pairs containing spatial data will be converted to an sfc column. Argument applicable to all functions.


if TRUE a progress bar will be displayed. More details can be found here vroom. Argument applicable to movebank_download_study and movebank_retrieve.


movebank_download_study returns a move2 object.
movebank_retrieve, movebank_download_deployment, movebank_download_study_info return a data.frame/tbl.
movebank_get_study_id returns a big integer.


Caution, when downloading data with movebank_download_study without specifying the sensor in the argument sensor_type_id (see below), all data of all sensors will be downloaded, but only the attributes of location sensors will be included. We recommend to always specify the sensor(s) to ensure that all associated attributes are downloaded. Use e.g. movebank_download_study_info(study_id=my_study_id)$sensor_type_ids to find out which sensors are available in a given study. attributes = "all" is the default, and it will include only location sensor attributes if no sensor is specified in sensor_type_id. When sensors are specified, it will download all associated attributes of all sensors. attributes = NULL should only be used when downloading location data (by specifying the sensor), as only timestamp, location and track id is downloaded. To specify only a subset of attributes to download, check the list of attributes available for a specific sensor (e.g. GPS) in a given study, use movebank_retrieve(entity_type = "study_attribute", study_id = myStudyID, sensor_type_id = "gps")$short_name (more details in "Downloading data from movebank" vignette).

The api is quite flexible for adjusting requests. This is elaborately documented in the movebank api documentation. To identify the available arguments, please note that movebank_download_study is based on the entity_type "event", movebank_download_study_info on the entity_type "study" and movebank_download_deployment on the entity_type "deployment", "individual" and "tag". Here a list of a few arguments that are common for the entity_type "event":

  • sensor_type_id can be used to restrict the download to specific sensors. It can be either a character or and integer with the tag_type. For a full list of options see: movebank_retrieve(entity_type='tag_type'), values from the id and external_id columns are valid.

  • timestamp_start and timestamp_end can be used to limit the temporal range to download. This argument can either be formatted as a POSIXct timestamp, Date or a character string (e.g. "20080604133046000"(yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS))

  • event_reduction_profile might be useful to reduce the data downloaded (e.g. daily locations) possible values are character strings (e.g. "EURING_01"). For details see the movebank api documentation. Note that for the time being the required attributes need to be explicitly stated (e.g. attributes = NULL) as "all" does not work with the current movebank api.

  • individual_local_identifier for selecting one or more individuals by the local identifier

For more elaborate usage see vignette("movebank", package='move2')

See also

Other movebank-download: movebank_handle(), movebank_store_credentials()


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
## download entire study (all data of all sensors)
movebank_download_study_info(study_id = 2911040)$sensor_type_ids
movebank_download_study(2911040, sensor_type_id = c("gps", "acceleration"))

## download data of one individual
  individual_local_identifier = "unbanded-160"
## download gps data for multiple individuals
  sensor_type_id = "gps",
  individual_local_identifier = c("1094-1094", "1103-1103")
  sensor_type_id = "gps",
  individual_id = c(2911086, 2911065)
## download acceleration data of one or several individuals
  sensor_type_id = "acceleration",
  individual_local_identifier = "1094-1094"
## download data of a specific time window and sensor
  sensor_type_id = "gps",
  timestamp_start = as.POSIXct("2008-08-01 00:00:00"),
  timestamp_end = as.POSIXct("2008-08-03 00:00:00")

## download study filtered to one location per day
## (see movebank api documentation for options)
## also possible to add specific columns in "attributes"
  sensor_type_id = "gps",
  event_reduction_profile = "EURING_01",
  attributes = NULL
## download data associated to tag, individual and deployment
## download study information for all studies
## download study information for all studies where you have
## access to download the data
movebank_download_study_info(i_have_download_access = TRUE)
## download study information for a specific study
movebank_download_study_info(id = 2911040)
## get study id
movebank_get_study_id(study_id = "Galapagos Albatrosses")
## Find studies you can download and have a creative commons zero license
## Note "CC_BY" is also frequently used
  license_type = "CC_0",
  i_have_download_access = TRUE,
  attributes = c("name", "id")
## Download list of own studies
movebank_download_study_info(i_am_owner = TRUE)
} # }